Friday 28 February 2014

Arctic Adventures by Jacquie Sim, Business Development Manager

"What’s a girl to wear in -30!??"

Arriving at the wilderness cabin
That was the biggest question I had regarding our trip to the Arctic, not in a fashion sense (well maybe just a little) but I’ve only ever flown South and nearly always to hot, sunny bikini type places and definitely never to the snow.  Not being one for sensible clothing I went on a borrowing mission, literally from top to toe pinching everything from hats to boots and even a pair of Dior wrap around sunnies!!

The temperature was definitely my biggest fear about heading off into the unknown and I quizzed David constantly on what I would need to take with me to cope with the cold, but as February drew nearer I began to get a mild panic about other things like food; as a none meat eater what would there be for me to eat, what if something happened at home and I had no phone, and the biggie, how and where do you go to the toilet in the middle of the wilderness!!??

When it came to the activities though I had no worries at all, despite my colleagues concerns about how I’d manage a week without heels!  Little did they know in my formative years I was somewhat of a tomboy playing footy, climbing trees and generally getting up to mischief with my brothers and sisters.  In fact, I was particularly looking forward to the snowmobiles and had made Dale promise we would pair together to ensure the ‘need for speed’!

Breakfast beers, it's the law!
So on a cold and dark February morning and with my bag was packed to within an inch of its life, I kissed my little boy goodbye and headed off into the unknown...well, to Manchester Airport with the rest of the team.  After a hearty breakfast with the customary airport beer (it’s the law don’t you know!?) and some alcoholic essentials in duty free (to keep us warm of course!) it was time to board; bye-bye rainy Britain, Facebook, heels and straighteners, hello snowy Sweden and wilderness survival!

Two flights later we landed on the snowy runway at Kiruna, which is Sweden’s most northerly airport and was about the size of a school gym!  We were introduced to Gaynor who was to be our guide for the next few days and thrown straight in at the deep end, with a dog-sleigh ride through the dark to the Mushers Lodge.   We arrived at the cabin (also home to 250 specially bred huskies) to a warm fire and hot pans of chilli; moose for the carnivores and soya mince for was delicious, maybe I wouldn’t need all those emergency snacks I’d packed after all!

Naughty dogs Dina and Oboy in the background
The following morning after a brief lesson on how to drive the sled I met my dogs; the good ones Eric and Tora, and the naughty ones, Oboy and Dina.  With the warning to keep my eye on them still ringing in my ears we were off, yikes!   I’m not sure what I imagined it would be like, but after a few shaky bends and the odd wobble I felt pretty confident and could take in the magnificent scenery, it was like Narnia only better, a proper icy wonderland!  Winding our way through snowy pine forests and across vast frozen lakes before we finally reached the wilderness cabin, it was charming and cosy with candles and bunk beds and much more comfortable than I was expecting, even the toilets weren’t so bad.

Ice fishing with Amanda
After picking our beds we went on to the lake for an attempt at ice fishing, we busily drilled five holes in the snow and waited....and waited....and waited.  This was my first time fishing and after over an hour on the lake I had nothing to show, in fact there was only one small fish caught by Julie, I hope they had a back-up plan for dinner!  Apparently it was the time of year and not our lack of fishing skills that was the problem!

Back to the cabin it was time for chores.  My job was to chop wood with Adam, as it turns out I’m a bit rubbish at chopping so instead I offered encouragement (and sips of Amaretto!) and ensured all the wood stores were fully stocked. 
Alexander Skarsgard
Tasks done it was sauna time, a chance to relax & have a giggle with a beer, brave an Arctic roll in the snow....and maybe the occasional glimpse at Adams six-pack!!  After dinner we played a getting to know you game, apparently our ideal men include Piers Brosnan, Jessie Pavelka, David Beckham and even the Swede Alexander Skarsgard.

After breakfast the sound of 44 dogs barking meant it was time to go!  Now we were more relaxed on the sleds the trail was much longer but still just as stunning.   

On the trail with Dina, Oboy, Eric & Tora
Unfortunately at one point I was a little too relaxed, stood on the soft brake I was still adjusting my hat when the dogs decided they were ready even if I wasn’t!  As they sped off I slipped off the break only to watch as my sled and dogs thunder behind the convoy, as I attempted to run after them through the snow still holding on to my hat I could hear David howling with laughter behind’s a wonder he didn’t fall off he was laughing that hard at my Benny Hill impression!!  Thankfully Jeanette caught the dogs and I managed to get back on board.
Dale in the snow

That evening, relaxing in the sauna after our chores and with a wicked glint in his eye David said we needed an early tea as he had something planned.  So layered up again we headed into the darkness taking the opportunity to push each other into snow drifts!   

Inside the igloo before the 'trials'
Up ahead was a fantastic igloo aglow with blue lights and a small fire heating a big pot of glögg, a Swedish mulled wine.  After a quiz to determine which team knew most about our host nation, we were allowed into the igloo for our next game....’Igloo Tucker Trials’.

After a lot of drama over a banana and a boiled egg (yes really) I knew what was coming, I’d seen it on TV and I could definitely smell the whiff in the air.   

Attempting the strömming
Blindfolded, Steve and I were challenged to eat strömming, a Swedish ‘delicacy’ of fermented herring.  The stench was so bad they had to open the tin outside and as Gaynor tried to feed me the fish I could hear Claire shouting “just think of it as sushi!”  Steve managed it and I did try but there was no way I was swallowing that!!  Some of the others braved it too, but I’ll just stick to actual sushi in future.

Snuggling together in the igloo!
The fun continued with 7 out of the 10 adventurers deciding to sleep at the igloo.  Obviously if you’re going to spend the night in an icy box getting drunk and snuggling together was the only way to keep warm!!  This seemed like loads of fun in the fuzzy drunkenness of midnight, but not so much come 6am when you’re dying for a wee!!!

Snowmobiling on the lake
Somewhat jaded the next morning we headed off on our final trail with the was snowmobile time!! As promised, Dale and I clambered on to the first skidoo.  The air was heavy and threatening to snow as Dale accelerated, wheeeeeeeeee!!!  We loved it!  As Dales confidence grew so did the speed, touching 70mph at one point and that was alright by me!  We stopped to swap seats and it was my turn to drive, and Dale braved it on the back as we sped across the frozen lake before stopping for a brew in a traditional Sami tepee.

On the final evening we tiptoed back into reality with a night in a proper hotel with hot running water and flushing toilets, never has a shower felt so good!  Washed, dressed and smelling sweet we were treated to a gourmet Swedish banquet cooked by our own private chef and washed down with a different wine for each course, perfect!  Back at the hotel bar you needed a small mortgage to get the round in and a mastermind to remember the names of all the beers!  Much fun was had and some new friends made before wearily heading to sleep in a proper bed!

Before heading home we had chance to visit the world famous Ice Hotel and wave Gaynor and some of our favourite dogs off on her 300km race.

All in all, after a week away from home and all our creature comforts I learnt I can live without straighteners (just about), I quite like the snow and I definitely love my work friends, they make me laugh a lot....oh, and we definitely need a sauna in our new offices! 

Last night fun with our Arctic friends

Thursday 27 February 2014

Arctic Adventures by Dale Newman, Sales Manager

"My Arctic Honesty – Excited or Not; Slop & Poo!"

When we were first told about our trip to Sweden and the Arctic I had thoughts of being really excited and also being very apprehensive.  

The snow mobiles were a highlight
Being told that we would be doing dog sledding, ice fishing, snowmobiling etc didn’t faze me in the slightest.  Being a very outdoors type person I enjoy things like scuba diving, sky diving, general adrenaline type activities; and also loving travel & different cultures, this was the part I thought I’d cope well with and was actually excited about.  

However, what I was generally apprehensive about was spending time in literally the middle of nowhere, with people I wouldn’t choose to go away with.  Now that may sound like I don’t like the people I work with, but that certainly isn't the case.  People that know me know that I am a person who likes to analyse things before acting on them, and then be in control of situations.  I knew straight away that this wasn’t going to be possible and that is why I realised instantly that this wasn’t going to be a ‘holiday’!  

Dale with his dogs
So as comfortable as I thought I would be on the back of a sled being pulled by husky dogs, I had no idea what to expect and what I would do when other people were struggling, falling off, going slow, not pulling their weight and even worse; not trying and letting others do it for them.

When we settled in on our first night at Mushers Lodge David gave us a little run down of what we could expect, including chores we would be expected to do.  So we proceeded in only the fairest way; picking chores for each day out of a hat!  

Now I’m a dog lover but I was secretly praying inside that I didn’t get dog feeding and dog poo, as one, it’s disgusting and two, I just knew with over 40 dogs this wasn’t going to be something you could do in 10 minutes!  I pulled my first piece of paper out the hat; dog feeding and care....great!  I pulled my second piece of paper out; dog poo!!  I couldn’t believe it!  

It takes a lot for me to ‘lose it’ as my natural behaviour is quite calm and to think things through.  So I don’t normally get to breaking point...but with this who knows what will happen!

David later on in the night once again got us all together and made a speech on the reasons for the trip and one thing stuck in my head that he said; ‘what happens in Kiruna, stays in Kiruna’!  Which I was really glad to hear because this basically meant I could be myself and things wouldn’t be held against us!

Was I right?

Chopping up the frozen dog meat

Yes, the dog care took forever whilst everyone else was getting drunk in the sauna.  Did I care? No, as you actually get such a satisfaction from chopping up frozen dog food with an axe, adding reindeer meat and hot water to basically make a slop!  

No I’m not being sarcastic; when you have been pulled for hours by your dogs in those conditions you very quickly realise how special they are and you come attached to not only your own dogs but everyones.  

Playing 'poo golf' with Adam!
So the dog care was extremely rewarding and I got to bond and have a laugh while doing this with two of my colleagues; Amanda & Julie as they also pulled this chore out of the hat.  You’ll have to ask them if they enjoyed it though! Yes everyone else was in the sauna but they had also worked hard doing their own tasks.  

My other chore, dog poo! Again what was I worried about. I did this with Adam and laughed all the way through it; with the odd occasion of us heaving from the smell!! It’s basically like playing pitch and putt on a snowy frozen golf course!!

Was I right to be apprehensive?
Igloo fun with Amanda

No! I’ve worked at Access Point for 12 years now and I thought I knew my colleagues, I do, but I personally now feel I’ve bonded with them on a different level and that I did not expect.  I got more from this experience than I ever thought and in areas that I wasn’t expecting.  

Everyone was amazing, did people fall off the sleds, yes but got straight back up and were determined not to let it beat them. 
'Falling' in the snow with the help of some friends!

Did anyone give in, no! Did we go slow, yes but it didn’t matter as we did it together.   

If one person fell off, we all did, if one person was struggling, will all did, if one person laughed; we all did!  Oh and we did get to go fast as well, especially on the snowmobiles!

There is so much more to tell you but I’ll let the rest of the team tell their stories and my blog doesn’t even touch base on how well my team performed running the office while we were away.  I’m sure there will be some fantastic blogs to come from them.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

From Champagne To Super Noodles

My champagne afternoon tea experience at the Hilton Hotel - Kate Crummey, Sales Administrator

As part of Project Evolution here at Access Point, I was awarded passport stamps for completing various tasks and activities at work which I had saved up and could then cash in for various rewards.

An afternoon of pink fizz!
When I saw the option to try a champagne afternoon tea at the Hilton I couldn’t think of anyone who would enjoy it more than the champagne fiend that is my cousin Lisa!! She even did a little clappy hands, stampy feet dance when I gave her the news!

Sunday came and after enjoying a lovely lie-in I called my friend Kirsty to make sure I rubbed it in that I was having a day of luxury while she had nothing more than a day of Sunday television and chores to look forward to!

Kates 'Limo!'
I glammed up and headed to the station, a little disappointed to discover a rail replacement bus service to Liverpool, however, I closed my eyes and pretended I was just on a massive limo! 
When I got to Liverpool I met with Lisa who was still doing her excited little happy dance!

We high-tailed it to the Hilton which was absolutely beautifully decorated and we instantly felt like superstars. We had our own little booth in the Pima bar and very soon had a glass of pink bubbly goodness to enjoy!
Lisa and Kate "Cheers!"
Delicious sandwiches
Next we were promptly brought a selection of handmade sandwiches, cakes and scones on a beautiful display cabinet. We tucked in to the delicious feast in as prim and proper manner as we could manage on two glasses of champagne and remembering to stick our pinkie fingers out!

Handmade cakes
Once finished we were offered anything else and champagne all sipped up, we got back into our comfort zone and ordered a pint of lager each! 

Both wishing we had the chance to stay longer we reluctantly headed home where after a lovely day of classy food and fizz I sat down to my tea of peppered steak Super Noodles!
A wonderful day I would definitely recommend.

Champagne to Super-Noodles....not nearly as glamorous!